Embracing the legacy of exceptional wines and food and unique cultural heritage.
Eat Drink Walla Walla | Grosgrain Vineyards
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Grosgrain Vineyards

Grosgrain Vineyards

In 2014, we left our careers as an attorney and fashion designer in California for a new life in the Pacific Northwest. After Matt returned to school to study enology and spent time working with several Washington wineries, we stumbled upon a small vineyard on the Southside of Walla Walla.

Planted with uncommon varieties, these 5 acres became Grosgrain Vineyards, a wine company dedicated to championing underdog grapes, sparkling wines, restrained reds and sustainable farming practices.

2158 Half Acre Lane, Walla Walla, WA

Phone:(509) 876-4045

Email: info@grosgrainvineyards.com

Website: Home – Grosgrain Vineyards : Grosgrain Vineyards